New FreeRADIUS module: rlm_backcounter

Pawel Foremski pjf at
Sat Feb 24 17:39:34 CET 2007

On Saturday 24 February 2007 15:47, Peter Nixon wrote:
> On Fri 23 Feb 2007 20:37, Pawel Foremski wrote:
> > Main differences to the classic approach are: counters count back, they
> > can be resetted for each user individually and each user is given two
> > counters - one being periodically resetted by the module itself, and one
> > which it can only decrease (a "prepaid" counter).
> Can you provide a comparison of how its better than rlm_sqlcounter?

>From what I can see so far:
* 50 lines of code less
+ better documentation on how it works
+ support for "prepaid" counters, e.g. a dialup user can buy additional 
transfer when he reaches the monthly limit before the reset time
+ rlm_sqlcounter uses xlat to access SQL database (I suppose that's slower; 
the code doesn't check for errors)
+ support for bigger counters (compare e.g. lines 507 of backcounter with 662 
of sqlcounter)
+ can add a new VAP instead of denying access in case of reaching the limit
+ far more flexible
- supports only per-user limits (ie. not configurable counter "key")
- hardcoded queries
- support for MySQL only

BTW, there seems to be a typo in line 551 of rlm_sqlcounter.c ;-P.

Sorry, but rlm_sqlcounter seems to me too complicated for further analysis. 
Specifically, handling resets is so weird I can't even compare it to 
backcounter, which stores reset time for each user individually.

> > The code has just been finished, so be sure to test it before using in
> > production environments.
> Would you like this code to go into cvs?

Sure, but please give me a few more days for testing. I'll inform you when I 
think it's ready for inclusion.

> Do you plan to add/support different sql databases in future?

No, because I don't need it.

> It's not critical that you do, we thank you for the code contribution either 
> way but at some point someone will try to use postgresql or some other 
> database (me for example :-) and someone will need to support it...

That's how open source works, don't it? Someone who needs some feature adds 
it ;-P

> Same question applies to rlm_netvim_pools...

I don't plan to add support for other rdbms than MySQL (at least in near 
future) in it, either.


Pawel Foremski
pjf at

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