RADIUS Disconnect support

Peter Nixon listuser at peternixon.net
Tue Jan 23 14:39:51 CET 2007

On Tue 23 Jan 2007 09:11, Alan DeKok wrote:
> Peter Nixon wrote:
> > Firstly let me explain how I am using it. I have the following defined:
> >
> > exec radsqlkill {
> >    wait = yes
> >    program = "/usr/local/bin/radsqlkill.pl %{Calling-Station-Id}"
> >    shell_escape = yes
> >    output = none
> >    packet_type = Access-Request
> > }
>   That could be replaced with rlm_perl, I think.  That would remove most
> of the startup overhead of forking a separate program & starting perl.

Yes. That is something I plan to investigate. I initially wrote the perl 
script to be called from a website (to allow manual disconnect of users) so 
I haven't yet gone to the trouble to rewrite it for rlm_perl.

> > I think that this functionality and more needs to be rolled into
> > radiusd. Basically we need to be able to do the following things:
> >
> > 1) Receive a disconnect packet on port 1700 and check a shared secret
> > (New listen type in radiusd.conf)
>   That's not hard.
> > 2) Query the radacct table to find disconnect attributes based on a
> > supplied attributes (username, callingstationid etc)
>   That's more complicated.  I'll say why later.

Complicated. Yes. Impossible. No....

> > 3) Send disconnect packet(s) to NAS with a shared secret and return
> > status
>   That's not hard.
> > Now the shared secret in 1) is different from the shared secret in 3).
> > They are both NEW config options and need to be saved somewhere. I think
> > to keep things simple 1) should be an additional option in each realm in
> > proxy.conf (as Disconnect senders will _mostly_ correspond with home
> > servers) and 3) should be an additional option in each client in
> > clients.conf (as Disconnect receivers will _mostly_ correspond with
> > client NAS)
>   Yes.
> > It is technically possible that we would want to allow disconnect
> > packets from non home servers, and send them to NAS which are not
> > clients (think where you have chained RADIUS proxies) but I think it
> > will make things unnecessary complicated. What do others think?
>   As an admin, it's easier for me to send disconnect packets to a RADIUS
> server than try to figure out which NAS the user is on.  But that's just
> my $0.02.

Yes. Thats true of course, and I was also thinking the same thing. It would 
technically be possible to send directly to the NAS-IP-Address as listed in 
radacct if there was a disconnect key listed for that IP. However only 
dealing with "clients" certainly makes things easier.

In either case, radiusd should act like a NAS when it receives a disconnect 
packet in that it should figure out (via an SQL query) if that "session" is 
online, and if so where to send a disconnect to. Notice that I said "a" 
disconnect. The disconnect packet we send out SHOULD be a whole new packet, 
which may include attributes received in the disconnect packet from the home 
server or may include other attributes from the same session in our 

For example on my proxies I overwrite NAS-IP-Address with my own IP address 
so as not to a) leak information about upstream NAS b) confuse the billing 
interfaces and IP pool management of my customer's home servers.

I will therefore have to put the real NAS-IP-Address in an disconnect packets 
I send (which is stored in radacct) rather than forwarding the 
NAS-IP-Address I receive in disconnect packets from home servers.

> > I think the 3 steps I have listed above will allow everyone to be able
> > to do what they want with Disconnect packets. Basically in the situation
> > where radius is acting as a proxy and you want to allow a home server to
> > disconnect a user on a NAS client you will need all 3 steps (in order).
> > To do what I am doing above with my perl script you will only need steps
> > 2) and 3). People who want to generate disconnect attributes from
> > arbitrary input (a script or custom module) will simply use 3).
>   Allowing home servers to disconnect people is horrid.  Have you read
> the text in the RFCs's for how to handle trust?

I have not, but I will.

> i.e. Is this home 
> server really supposed to be sending a disconnect for that user?  Or how
>  to handle the whole reverse proxy chain?  It's disgusting, and almost
> impossible to do right.

Well, IF we have a disconnect secret listed for the home server AND IF the 
home server knows the "X-Ascend-Session-Svr-Key" it means that we sent them 
an accounting packet for the session and didn't 
strip "X-Ascend-Session-Svr-Key" which means that we trust them to 
disconnect the user. I think this will work fine for as many proxies in a 
chain as necessary.

The whole thing relies on each proxy in the chain having a local acct 
database listing all online users. I understand that its not ideal, but its 
not a huge imposition for most deployments, and it has the distinct 
advantage of allow rewriting of requests and knowing exactly where to send a 
request. (At least in the way I am deployed it does :-)

>   If FreeRADIUS is the server the NAS talks to, disconnect is awkward,
> but not impossible.  If it's a proxying server, disconnect is horrid.

I am prepared to ignore any non-freeradius servers at this point unless there 
are some existing implementations which work better than that way I describe 

>   I have some ideas to make it easier, but they require all RADIUS
> servers to implement the same updated algorithm.  If that's OK, we can
> move ahead.

It's fine with me. A working solution (even for a subset of the problem) is 
better than no solution.



Peter Nixon
PGP Key: http://www.peternixon.net/public.asc
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