fr_packet_cmp again

Josip Almasi joe at
Thu Apr 28 11:53:17 CEST 2011

Alan DeKok wrote:
> Josip Almasi wrote:
>> compiled current 2.1.11 branch on RHEL 6.0 and RHEL 5.5, hit it with
>> about 7.5K req/s, and it dies on both, after about 1-3.5M requests.
>   Argh.  I've tested it with 40K packets/s for *days*, and haven't seen
> this.

Yep, seen you write this before:)

>> So it seems something still frees data before yanking list...?
>> Well, beats me.
>> Any hints?
>   Grab the "master" branch.  See for
> instructions.  The internal state machine has been *completely*
> re-written so that it's sane.  If the bug still exists there, I'll be
> shocked.

Will try.
I don't remember why exactly, but master didn't work for me.

>> Now, how to reproduce:
>> - get spizd 0.5 from
>> - unzip, have java in path
>> - edit etc/dictionary.txt, enter at least one username:password pair
>> - run bin/ <server>, verify you get Access-Accept
>   Why?  Why not just run "radclient"?  Or radperf (

In fact I needed a simple tool to stress various servers and protocols.
Spizd vs radclient is thread vs process.
But spizd vs radperf is... well, sure there are better tools for any 
specific protocols. Though seems I don't need them, see I killed it anyway;)
And, radperf wants me to register;>


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