radsqlrelay performance issues with network latency

Dr. Uwe Meyer-Gruhl freeradius_email at congenio.de
Thu Dec 13 14:47:57 CET 2012


as probably most of you know, the rlm_sql_log/radsqlrelay pair of 
programs was invented to solve to problem of intermittent database 
downtimes. Furthermore, it is supposed to make FreeRADIUS answer faster 
because of the decoupling of the database operations.

However, I found out that with latency of 25ms between a MySQL database 
server and the FreeRADIUS machine, there still is a performance problem: 
In our large-scale installation with > 100 log entries per seconds, we 
saw that the sqlrelay log file was constantly growing. It grew faster 
than radsqlrelay was able to shift the data to the database server. 
Another FreeRADIUS instance with < 1ms latency had no problem.

The root cause is that each SQL statement is handled individually within 
radsqlrelay. So, with a network latency of 25ms, there can be at most 
1000ms/25ms = 40 database operations per second, while with 1ms latency, 
there can be 1000 per second.

Since the rlm_sql_log output consists mainly of INSERT statements to the 
same table and with the same structure, we can collect several INSERT 
statements into one with multiple rows. This can be done by the 
radsqlrelay Perl script very elegantly, since Perl was invented for such 
purposes. I have appended a modified version of radsqlrelay which 
collects up to 100 consecutive INSERT statements into one before doing 
the actual database submittal.

I have only tested the script for MySQL. It cannot optimize in this way 
for Oracle databases, since Oracle does not conform to the SQL standard 
for multi-row INSERTs, but the script automatically reduces the maximum 
number of collected statements to 1 in that case. PostgreSQL databases 
should be able to cope with multi-row INSERTs as well and benefit likewise.

The theoretical number of INSERT statements per second is lifted by a 
factor of 100 by this adapted script. In our own scenario, there will be 
no bottlenecks any more, even if the latency increased to 250ms.

Maybe this improvement can be included in one of the next FreeRADIUS 

Kind regards,

Uwe Meyer-Gruhl

##  radsqlrelay.pl    This program tails a SQL logfile and forwards
##            the queries to a database server. Used to
##            replicate accounting records to one (central)
##            database, even if the database has extended
##            downtime.
##  Version:    $Id$
##  Author:     Nicolas Baradakis <nicolas.baradakis at cegetel.net>
##  Copyright (C) 2005 Cegetel
##  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
##  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
##  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
##  of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
##  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
##  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
##  GNU General Public License for more details.
##  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
##  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
##  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 
02110-1301, USA

use DBI;
use Fcntl;
use Getopt::Std;
use POSIX qw(:unistd_h :errno_h);

use warnings;
use strict;

my $maxcollect = 100;    # tunable, works for MySQL!

my $lastinsert;
my @values;

my $need_exit = 0;

sub got_signal()
     $need_exit = 1;

# /!\ OS-dependent structure
# Linux struct flock
#   short l_type;
#   short l_whence;
#   off_t l_start;
#   off_t l_len;
#   pid_t l_pid;
# c2ph says: typedef='s2 l2 i', sizeof=16
my $FLOCK_STRUCT = 's2l2i';

sub setlock($;$$)
     my ($fh, $start, $len) = @_;
     $start = 0 unless defined $start;
     $len = 0 unless defined $len;

                                     #type     whence    start till  pid
     my $packed = pack($FLOCK_STRUCT, F_WRLCK, SEEK_SET, $start, $len, 0);
     if (fcntl($fh, F_SETLKW, $packed)) { return 1 }
     else { return 0 }

sub usage()
     print STDERR <<HERE;
usage: radsqlrelay [options] file_path
     -?        Print this help message.
     -1        One-shot mode: push the file to database and exit.
     -b database    Name of the database to use.
     -d sql_driver    Driver to use: mysql, pg, oracle.
     -f file        Read password from file, instead of command line.
     -h host        Connect to host.
     -P port        Port number to use for connection.
     -p passord    Password to use when connecting to server.
     -u user        User for login.
     -x        Turn on debugging.

sub connect_wait($)
     my $dbinfo = shift;
     my $dbh;
     while (!$dbh) {
     $dbh = DBI->connect($dbinfo->{base}, $dbinfo->{user}, $dbinfo->{pass},
                 { RaiseError => 0, PrintError => 0,
                   AutoCommit => 1 });
     sleep (1) if !$dbh;
     exit if $need_exit;
     $dbinfo->{handle} = $dbh;

sub process_file($$)
     my ($dbinfo, $path) = @_;

     sub do_inserts($) {
         my $dbinfo = shift;
         if (scalar(@values) > 0) {
             my $query = $lastinsert . " ";
             $query .= join(" ), ( ", at values);
             $query .= " );";
         @values = ();

     sub do_query($$) {
         my ($dbinfo,$query) = @_;
         until ($dbinfo->{handle}->do($query)) {
             print $dbinfo->{handle}->errstr."\n";
             if ($dbinfo->{handle}->ping) {
             sleep (1);
             } else {
             print "error: Lost connection to database\n";

     unless (-e $path.'.work') {
     until (rename($path, $path.'.work')) {
         if ($! == ENOENT) {
         return if $need_exit;
         } else {
         print STDERR "error: Couldn't move $path to $path.work: $!\n";
         exit 1;

     open(FILE, "+< $path.work") or die "error: Couldn't open 
$path.work: $!\n";
     setlock(\*FILE) or die "error: Couldn't lock $path.work: $!\n";

     $lastinsert = "";
     @values = ();

     while (<FILE>) {
         chomp (my $line = $_);

         if (!($line =~ /^\s*insert\s+into\s+`?\w+`?\s+(?:\(.*?\)\s+)?
                             values\s*\(.*\)\s*;\s*$/ix)) {
             # This is no INSERT, so start new collection
             $lastinsert = "";
             # must output this line
             do_query($dbinfo, "$line");
         else {
             # This is an INSERT, so collect it
             my $insert = $line;
             my $values = $line;
             $insert =~ s/^\s*(insert\s+into\s+`?\w+`?\s+(?:\(.*?\)\s+)?
             $values =~ s/^\s*insert\s+into\s+`?\w+`?\s+(?:\(.*?\)\s+)?

             if (($lastinsert ne "") && ($insert ne $lastinsert)) {
                 # This is different from the last one
             push(@values, $values);
             $lastinsert = $insert; # start new collection

         # limit to $maxcollect collected lines
         if (scalar(@values) >= $maxcollect) {

     # Cleanup

     close(FILE); # and unlock

# sub main()

my %args = (
         b => 'radius',
         d => 'mysql',
         h => 'localhost',
         p => 'radius',
         u => 'radius',
my $ret = getopts("b:d:f:h:P:p:u:x1?", \%args);
if (!$ret or @ARGV != 1) {
     exit 1;
if ($args{'?'}) {
     exit 0;

my $data_source;
if (lc($args{d}) eq 'mysql') {
     $data_source = "DBI:mysql:database=$args{b};host=$args{h}";
} elsif (lc($args{d}) eq 'pg') {
     $data_source = "DBI:Pg:dbname=$args{b};host=$args{h}";
} elsif (lc($args{d}) eq 'oracle') {
     $data_source = "DBI:Oracle:$args{b}";
     # Oracle does not conform to the SQL standard for multirow INSERTs
     $maxcollect = 1;
} else {
     print STDERR "error: SQL driver not supported yet: $args{d}\n";
     exit 1;
$data_source .= ";port=$args{P}" if $args{'P'};

my $pw;
if($args{f}) {
     open(FILE, "< $args{f}") or die "error: Couldn't open $args{f}: $!\n";
     $pw = <FILE>;
} else {
     # args{p} is always defined.
     $pw = $args{p};

$SIG{INT} = \&got_signal;
$SIG{TERM} = \&got_signal;

my %dbinfo = (
           base => $data_source,
           user => $args{u},
           pass => $pw,

my $path = shift @ARGV;

until ($need_exit) {
     process_file(\%dbinfo, $path);
     last if ($args{1} || $need_exit);


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