radsqlrelay performance issues with network latency

Stefan Winter stefan.winter at restena.lu
Tue Dec 18 14:11:59 CET 2012


that's a very interesting script, thanks!

We've been looking for ways to improve radsqlrelay's performance on our
side, too, and this certainly comes in handy.

One question though: our statements are like:

INSERT INTO lastusage   (username,   service,   type)  VALUES (
'username',   'IMAP',   'Access-Accept')  ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE
last_seen='2012-12-18 14:04:44'

Not being a Perl expert (so I can't read the code and make sense of it),
I wonder if the algorithm that detects "similar" statements is also
prepared to cope with such statements with a suffix ON DUPLICATE ... .

Can I safely use the new radsqlrelay for these statements?


Stefan Winter

On 13.12.2012 14:47, Dr. Uwe Meyer-Gruhl wrote:
> Hi,
> as probably most of you know, the rlm_sql_log/radsqlrelay pair of
> programs was invented to solve to problem of intermittent database
> downtimes. Furthermore, it is supposed to make FreeRADIUS answer faster
> because of the decoupling of the database operations.
> However, I found out that with latency of 25ms between a MySQL database
> server and the FreeRADIUS machine, there still is a performance problem:
> In our large-scale installation with > 100 log entries per seconds, we
> saw that the sqlrelay log file was constantly growing. It grew faster
> than radsqlrelay was able to shift the data to the database server.
> Another FreeRADIUS instance with < 1ms latency had no problem.
> The root cause is that each SQL statement is handled individually within
> radsqlrelay. So, with a network latency of 25ms, there can be at most
> 1000ms/25ms = 40 database operations per second, while with 1ms latency,
> there can be 1000 per second.
> Since the rlm_sql_log output consists mainly of INSERT statements to the
> same table and with the same structure, we can collect several INSERT
> statements into one with multiple rows. This can be done by the
> radsqlrelay Perl script very elegantly, since Perl was invented for such
> purposes. I have appended a modified version of radsqlrelay which
> collects up to 100 consecutive INSERT statements into one before doing
> the actual database submittal.
> I have only tested the script for MySQL. It cannot optimize in this way
> for Oracle databases, since Oracle does not conform to the SQL standard
> for multi-row INSERTs, but the script automatically reduces the maximum
> number of collected statements to 1 in that case. PostgreSQL databases
> should be able to cope with multi-row INSERTs as well and benefit likewise.
> The theoretical number of INSERT statements per second is lifted by a
> factor of 100 by this adapted script. In our own scenario, there will be
> no bottlenecks any more, even if the latency increased to 250ms.
> Maybe this improvement can be included in one of the next FreeRADIUS
> releases.
> Kind regards,
> Uwe Meyer-Gruhl
> ---
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> ##
> ##  radsqlrelay.pl    This program tails a SQL logfile and forwards
> ##            the queries to a database server. Used to
> ##            replicate accounting records to one (central)
> ##            database, even if the database has extended
> ##            downtime.
> ##
> ##  Version:    $Id$
> ##
> ##  Author:     Nicolas Baradakis <nicolas.baradakis at cegetel.net>
> ##
> ##  Copyright (C) 2005 Cegetel
> ##
> ##  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
> ##  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
> ##  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
> ##  of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
> ##
> ##  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
> ##  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
> ##  GNU General Public License for more details.
> ##
> ##  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
> ##  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
> ##  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
> 02110-1301, USA
> ##
> use DBI;
> use Fcntl;
> use Getopt::Std;
> use POSIX qw(:unistd_h :errno_h);
> use warnings;
> use strict;
> my $maxcollect = 100;    # tunable, works for MySQL!
> my $lastinsert;
> my @values;
> my $need_exit = 0;
> sub got_signal()
> {
>     $need_exit = 1;
> }
> # /!\ OS-dependent structure
> # Linux struct flock
> #   short l_type;
> #   short l_whence;
> #   off_t l_start;
> #   off_t l_len;
> #   pid_t l_pid;
> # c2ph says: typedef='s2 l2 i', sizeof=16
> my $FLOCK_STRUCT = 's2l2i';
> sub setlock($;$$)
> {
>     my ($fh, $start, $len) = @_;
>     $start = 0 unless defined $start;
>     $len = 0 unless defined $len;
>                                     #type     whence    start till  pid
>     my $packed = pack($FLOCK_STRUCT, F_WRLCK, SEEK_SET, $start, $len, 0);
>     if (fcntl($fh, F_SETLKW, $packed)) { return 1 }
>     else { return 0 }
> }
> sub usage()
> {
>     print STDERR <<HERE;
> usage: radsqlrelay [options] file_path
> options:
>     -?        Print this help message.
>     -1        One-shot mode: push the file to database and exit.
>     -b database    Name of the database to use.
>     -d sql_driver    Driver to use: mysql, pg, oracle.
>     -f file        Read password from file, instead of command line.
>     -h host        Connect to host.
>     -P port        Port number to use for connection.
>     -p passord    Password to use when connecting to server.
>     -u user        User for login.
>     -x        Turn on debugging.
> }
> sub connect_wait($)
> {
>     my $dbinfo = shift;
>     my $dbh;
>     while (!$dbh) {
>     $dbh = DBI->connect($dbinfo->{base}, $dbinfo->{user}, $dbinfo->{pass},
>                 { RaiseError => 0, PrintError => 0,
>                   AutoCommit => 1 });
>     sleep (1) if !$dbh;
>     exit if $need_exit;
>     }
>     $dbinfo->{handle} = $dbh;
> }
> sub process_file($$)
> {
>     my ($dbinfo, $path) = @_;
>     sub do_inserts($) {
>         my $dbinfo = shift;
>         if (scalar(@values) > 0) {
>             my $query = $lastinsert . " ";
>             $query .= join(" ), ( ", at values);
>             $query .= " );";
>             do_query($dbinfo,$query);
>         }
>         @values = ();
>     }
>     sub do_query($$) {
>         my ($dbinfo,$query) = @_;
>         until ($dbinfo->{handle}->do($query)) {
>             print $dbinfo->{handle}->errstr."\n";
>             if ($dbinfo->{handle}->ping) {
>             sleep (1);
>             } else {
>             print "error: Lost connection to database\n";
>             $dbinfo->{handle}->disconnect;
>             connect_wait($dbinfo);
>             }
>         }
>     }
>     unless (-e $path.'.work') {
>     until (rename($path, $path.'.work')) {
>         if ($! == ENOENT) {
>         sleep(1);
>         return if $need_exit;
>         } else {
>         print STDERR "error: Couldn't move $path to $path.work: $!\n";
>         exit 1;
>         }
>     }
>     }
>     open(FILE, "+< $path.work") or die "error: Couldn't open $path.work:
> $!\n";
>     setlock(\*FILE) or die "error: Couldn't lock $path.work: $!\n";
>     $lastinsert = "";
>     @values = ();
>     while (<FILE>) {
>         chomp (my $line = $_);
>         if (!($line =~ /^\s*insert\s+into\s+`?\w+`?\s+(?:\(.*?\)\s+)?
>                             values\s*\(.*\)\s*;\s*$/ix)) {
>             # This is no INSERT, so start new collection
>             do_inserts($dbinfo);
>             $lastinsert = "";
>             # must output this line
>             do_query($dbinfo, "$line");
>         }
>         else {
>             # This is an INSERT, so collect it
>             my $insert = $line;
>             my $values = $line;
>             $insert =~ s/^\s*(insert\s+into\s+`?\w+`?\s+(?:\(.*?\)\s+)?
>                               values\s*\().*\)\s*;\s*$/$1/ix;
>             $values =~ s/^\s*insert\s+into\s+`?\w+`?\s+(?:\(.*?\)\s+)?
>                              values\s*\((.*)\)\s*;\s*$/$1/ix;
>             if (($lastinsert ne "") && ($insert ne $lastinsert)) {
>                 # This is different from the last one
>                 do_inserts($dbinfo);
>             }
>             push(@values, $values);
>             $lastinsert = $insert; # start new collection
>         }
>         # limit to $maxcollect collected lines
>         if (scalar(@values) >= $maxcollect) {
>             do_inserts($dbinfo);
>         }
>     }
>     # Cleanup
>     do_inserts($dbinfo);
>     unlink($path.'.work');
>     close(FILE); # and unlock
> }
> # sub main()
> my %args = (
>         b => 'radius',
>         d => 'mysql',
>         h => 'localhost',
>         p => 'radius',
>         u => 'radius',
> );
> my $ret = getopts("b:d:f:h:P:p:u:x1?", \%args);
> if (!$ret or @ARGV != 1) {
>     usage();
>     exit 1;
> }
> if ($args{'?'}) {
>     usage();
>     exit 0;
> }
> my $data_source;
> if (lc($args{d}) eq 'mysql') {
>     $data_source = "DBI:mysql:database=$args{b};host=$args{h}";
> } elsif (lc($args{d}) eq 'pg') {
>     $data_source = "DBI:Pg:dbname=$args{b};host=$args{h}";
> } elsif (lc($args{d}) eq 'oracle') {
>     $data_source = "DBI:Oracle:$args{b}";
>     # Oracle does not conform to the SQL standard for multirow INSERTs
>     $maxcollect = 1;
> } else {
>     print STDERR "error: SQL driver not supported yet: $args{d}\n";
>     exit 1;
> }
> $data_source .= ";port=$args{P}" if $args{'P'};
> my $pw;
> if($args{f}) {
>     open(FILE, "< $args{f}") or die "error: Couldn't open $args{f}: $!\n";
>     $pw = <FILE>;
>     chomp($pw);
>     close(FILE);
> } else {
>     # args{p} is always defined.
>     $pw = $args{p};
> }
> $SIG{INT} = \&got_signal;
> $SIG{TERM} = \&got_signal;
> my %dbinfo = (
>           base => $data_source,
>           user => $args{u},
>           pass => $pw,
> );
> connect_wait(\%dbinfo);
> my $path = shift @ARGV;
> until ($need_exit) {
>     process_file(\%dbinfo, $path);
>     last if ($args{1} || $need_exit);
>     sleep(10);
> }
> $dbinfo{handle}->disconnect;
> -
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> http://www.freeradius.org/list/devel.html

Ingenieur de Recherche
Fondation RESTENA - Réseau Téléinformatique de l'Education Nationale et
de la Recherche
6, rue Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi
L-1359 Luxembourg

Tel: +352 424409 1
Fax: +352 422473

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