Tabs in SQL queries...

Phil Mayers p.mayers at
Mon Jul 23 12:40:30 CEST 2012

On 23/07/12 10:10, alan buxey wrote:
> Hi,
>> What do people think to stripping out tabs in xlated SQL queries so that the debug output is actually readable?
> why play with the queries? Why not just strip the space in the debug output - that way, you get

This is a safer approach IMO.

Certainly munging them for readability would be good, though.

One other option, that might be more generally usable, is to modify the 
config file parser to strip the indent present on the 1st from 2nd and 
subsequent lines when using continuations. At the moment, this:

some_query = "select foo from \
               bar where x=1"


"select foo from               bar where x=1"

...whereas the more intuitive result is:

"select foo from bar where x=1"

I think this is what leads to the whitespace in debugged SQL queries?

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