2.x.x regression: custom SQL queries

Stefan Winter stefan.winter at restena.lu
Wed Jul 10 15:47:58 CEST 2013


I found the actual reason why this doesn't work any more; but it has
nothing to do with rlm_sql_mysql - instead, the problem is that if
virtual server proxying is used, the proxied-to virtual server's
post-auth does not get executed; the SQL query happened to be in that

The query I posted earlier is the one which later gets generated by
original virtual server; that one gets written just fine, hence the ->1
expansion, but it's a different table and its contents are not evaluated
in my situation. (stupid me for not realising this)

So, 2.2.0 wrote two INSERTs, one from the "staff" virtual server (the
one I need) and a second one by the "AAI" virtual server.

2.x.x now only writes the "AAI" one, completely ignoring virtual server
"staff"'s post-auth section.

In -X mode this looks like the following

*** 2.x.x ***

rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 41833,
id=175, length=62
        User-Name = "swinter"
        User-Password = "********"
        NAS-Identifier = "AAI-Staff-IdP"
server AAI {
++- if (NAS-Identifier == "AAI-Staff-IdP" ) returns ok
++ ... skipping else for request 0: Preceding "if" was taken
} # server AAI
  WARNING: Empty pre-proxy section.  Using default return values.
>>> Sending proxied request internally to virtual server.
server staff {
Found Auth-Type = PAP
# Executing group from file
+- entering group PAP {...}
[pap] login attempt with password "**********"
[pap] Using NT encryption.
[pap]   expand: %{User-Password} -> ***********
[pap] NT-Hash of ********* = ##############################
[pap]   expand: %{mschap:NT-Hash %{User-Password}} ->
[pap] User authenticated successfully
++[pap] returns ok
} # server staff
Going to the next request
<<< Received proxied response code 2 from internal virtual server.

So... nothing after authenticate's "pap" module.

*** The same config on a 2.2.0 server yields: ***

rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 37201,
id=177, length=62
        User-Name = "swinter"
        User-Password = "**************"
        NAS-Identifier = "AAI-Staff-IdP"
server AAI {
++- if (NAS-Identifier == "AAI-Staff-IdP" ) returns noop
++ ... skipping else for request 0: Preceding "if" was taken
} # server AAI
  WARNING: Empty pre-proxy section.  Using default return values.
>>> Sending proxied request internally to virtual server.
server staff {
Found Auth-Type = PAP
# Executing group from file
+- entering group PAP {...}
[pap] login attempt with password "************"
[pap] Using NT encryption.
[pap]   expand: %{User-Password} -> ************
[pap] NT-Hash of *********** = ##########################
[pap]   expand: %{mschap:NT-Hash %{User-Password}} ->
[pap] User authenticated successfully
++[pap] returns ok
# Executing section post-auth from file
+- entering group post-auth {...}
++- entering policy restena_log_policy {...}

(and eventually comes the INSERT)

Hope this helps,


> I think I found a regression in the 2.x.x branch. I used to use 2.2.0 until I needed the SSHA1 patch from branch; but with branch code, something totally unrelated now stopped working.
> I have a custom SQL query in post-auth, it calls an SQL module instance "sql-webmailsso-users" and does an INSERT. Here is what works with 2.2.0 code:
> 2.2.0:
> expand: INSERT INTO check_webmailsso_users (user,token,timeout) VALUES('%{User-Name}','%{control:RESTENA-Rand-Source}',TIMESTAMPADD(hour, 12, NOW())) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE token='%{control:RESTENA-Rand-Source}', tim
> eout=TIMESTAMPADD(hour, 12, NOW()) -> INSERT INTO check_webmailsso_users (user,token,timeout) VALUES('swinter','620413e46406a7c05e84253cd75fcb06620413e46406a7c05e84253cd75fcb06620413e46406a7c05e84253cd75fcb06',TIMESTAMPADD(hour, 12, NOW())) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE token='620413e46406a7c05e84253cd75fcb06620413e46406a7c05e84253cd75fcb06620413e46406a7c05e84253cd75fcb06', timeout=TIMESTAMPADD(hour, 12, NOW())
> rlm_sql (sql-webmailsso-users): Reserving sql socket id: 1
> rlm_sql (sql-webmailsso-users): Released sql socket id: 1
>         expand: %{sql-webmailsso-users:INSERT INTO check_webmailsso_users (user,token,timeout) VALUES('%{User-Name}','%{control:RESTENA-Rand-Source}',TIMESTAMPADD(hour, 12, NOW())) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE token='%{control:RESTENA-Rand-Source}', timeout=TIMESTAMPADD(hour, 12, NOW())} -> 1
> +++[expand] returns noop
>         expand: urn:restena:magicmushroom=%{control:RESTENA-Rand-Source} -> urn:restena:magicmushroom=620413e46406a7c05e84253cd75fcb06620413e46406a7c05e84253cd75fcb06620413e46406a7c05e84253cd75fcb06
> I.e. expansion gets done, and the SQL query gets executed. Note that there is a line "+++[expand] returns noop" in the middle.
> With 2.x.x branch code, the identical config does not actually perfom the SQL query; even though things still get expanded as they should. Ominously, that "noop" line is NOT showing up in the two 2.x.x branch snapshots I tested with. Here are two examples:
> 20130610:
>         expand: INSERT INTO check_webmailsso_users (user,token,timeout) VALUES('%{User-Name}','%{control:RESTENA-Rand-Source}',TIMESTAMPADD(hour, 12, NOW())) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE token='%{control:RESTENA-Rand-Source}', tim
> eout=TIMESTAMPADD(hour, 12, NOW()) -> INSERT INTO check_webmailsso_users (user,token,timeout) VALUES('swinter','8570ceee00c6d8ed3f1c56e2d47c51318570ceee00c6d8ed3f1c56e2d47c51318570ceee00c6d8ed3f1c56e2d47c5131',TIMESTAMPADD(hour, 12, NOW())) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE token='8570ceee00c6d8ed3f1c56e2d47c51318570ceee00c6d8ed3f1c56e2d47c51318570ceee00c6d8ed3f1c56e2d47c5131', timeout=TIMESTAMPADD(hour, 12, NOW())
> rlm_sql (sql-webmailsso-users): Reserving sql socket id: 6
> rlm_sql (sql-webmailsso-users): Released sql socket id: 6
>         expand: %{sql-webmailsso-users:INSERT INTO check_webmailsso_users (user,token,timeout) VALUES('%{User-Name}','%{control:RESTENA-Rand-Source}',TIMESTAMPADD(hour, 12, NOW())) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE token='%{control:RESTENA-Rand-Source}', timeout=TIMESTAMPADD(hour, 12, NOW())} -> 1
>         expand: urn:restena:magicmushroom=%{control:RESTENA-Rand-Source} -> urn:restena:magicmushroom=8570ceee00c6d8ed3f1c56e2d47c51318570ceee00c6d8ed3f1c56e2d47c51318570ceee00c6d8ed3f1c56e2d47c5131
> 20310704:
>         expand: INSERT INTO check_webmailsso_users (user,token,timeout) VALUES('%{User-Name}','%{control:RESTENA-Rand-Source}',TIMESTAMPADD(hour, 12, NOW())) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE token='%{control:RESTENA-Rand-Source}', tim
> eout=TIMESTAMPADD(hour, 12, NOW()) -> INSERT INTO check_webmailsso_users (user,token,timeout) VALUES('swinter','af571d6c1794a2e491091ac6990d5d6daf571d6c1794a2e491091ac6990d5d6daf571d6c1794a2e491091ac6990d5d6d',TIMESTAMPADD(hour, 12, NOW())) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE token='af571d6c1794a2e491091ac6990d5d6daf571d6c1794a2e491091ac6990d5d6daf571d6c1794a2e491091ac6990d5d6d', timeout=TIMESTAMPADD(hour, 12, NOW())
> rlm_sql (sql-webmailsso-users): Reserving sql socket id: 8
> rlm_sql (sql-webmailsso-users): Released sql socket id: 8
>         expand: %{sql-webmailsso-users:INSERT INTO check_webmailsso_users (user,token,timeout) VALUES('%{User-Name}','%{control:RESTENA-Rand-Source}',TIMESTAMPADD(hour, 12, NOW())) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE token='%{control:RESTENA-Rand-Source}', timeout=TIMESTAMPADD(hour, 12, NOW())} -> 1
>         expand: urn:restena:magicmushroom=%{control:RESTENA-Rand-Source} -> urn:restena:magicmushroom=af571d6c1794a2e491091ac6990d5d6daf571d6c1794a2e491091ac6990d5d6daf571d6c1794a2e491091ac6990d5d6d
> Everything looks "pretty much" okay - but my database never gets the INSERT. The only difference I really see in the log is that the "noop" line doesn't show up.
> Hope that explains the problem, and helps in finding the problem.
> Stefan
> -
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Ingenieur de Recherche
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