Commit report for master branch

The git bot announce at
Wed Jun 12 00:00:01 CEST 2013

New activity for FreeRADIUS (the high performance and highly configurable RADIUS server)

Initialize variables correctly

Alan T. DeKok at 2013-06-11T22:03:03Z
Files modified:
	* src/main/xlat.c

Commit diff:
Fixed single character expansion to do only itself, and nothing more

Alan T. DeKok at 2013-06-11T18:24:02Z
Files modified:
	* src/main/xlat.c

Commit diff:
Allow source for maps to be type octets, and dest to be different

So that we can automagically do all kinds of funky things

Alan T. DeKok at 2013-06-11T15:49:19Z
Files modified:
	* src/main/map.c
	* src/main/valuepair.c

Commit diff:
Allow paircopyvpdata() to decode arbitrary data into a new VP

Alan T. DeKok at 2013-06-11T15:44:08Z
Files modified:
	* src/lib/valuepair.c

Commit diff:
Expose min / max sizes for the data types

Alan T. DeKok at 2013-06-11T15:23:17Z
Files modified:
	* src/include/libradius.h
	* src/lib/dict.c

Commit diff:
Rename "start" to "created" as there's already another "start"

Alan T. DeKok at 2013-06-11T00:29:29Z
Files modified:
	* src/main/connection.c

Commit diff:
This commit summary was generated @2013-06-12T00:00:01Z by lgfeed version 0.00 (

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