Commit report for master branch

The git bot announce at
Fri Jan 24 00:00:02 CET 2014

New activity for FreeRADIUS (the high performance and highly configurable RADIUS server)

Add version consistency checks between applications, libfreeradius-radius, libfreeradius-server, and modules

Arran Cudbard-Bell at 2014-01-23T18:03:10Z
Files modified:
	* configure
	* src/include/libradius.h
	* src/include/modules.h
	* src/include/protocol.h
	* src/include/radiusd.h
	* src/lib/
	* src/lib/version.c
	* src/main/modules.c
	* src/main/radattr.c
	* src/main/radclient.c
	* src/main/radconf2xml.c
	* src/main/radiusd.c
	* src/main/radmin.c
	* src/main/radsniff.c
	* src/main/radwho.c
	* src/main/unittest.c
	* src/main/version.c
	* src/modules/proto_dhcp/dhcpclient.c

Commit diff:
Revert "Auto-load dictionary.vqp and dictionary.dhcp"

This reverts commit 013b841fadc72844642c559201d7e475374826e5.

We'll do this later.

We need to update mainconfig.c to set dictionary_dir to the
correct place.  It should load the default dictionaries
first.  And then try to load the dictionary from raddb, with
a soft-fail if it doesn't exist.

dict.c needs to be updated so that it stats() the file prior
to loading it.  This ensures that the above change is fail-safe.
i.e. if the raddb/dictionary file still has a $INCLUDE of the
default ones, the entries aren't re-loaded in their entirety

Alan T. DeKok at 2014-01-23T16:05:28Z
Files modified:
	* share/dictionary
	* src/main/modcall.c
	* src/main/modules.c

Commit diff:
Increase log message buffer slightly, this should be large enough to handle the largest string value we can add using an update section

Arran Cudbard-Bell at 2014-01-23T12:10:34Z
Files modified:
	* src/main/log.c

Commit diff:
Add stub for truncation test

Arran Cudbard-Bell at 2014-01-23T12:10:34Z
Files modified:
	* src/tests/keywords/truncation

Commit diff:
Add tests for length xlat

Arran Cudbard-Bell at 2014-01-23T12:10:34Z
Files modified:
	* src/tests/keywords/length

Commit diff:
Fix typo

Alan T. DeKok at 2014-01-23T02:08:25Z
Files modified:
	* src/modules/rlm_sqlcounter/rlm_sqlcounter.c

Commit diff:
Note if we don't change the limit

Alan T. DeKok at 2014-01-23T02:08:23Z
Files modified:
	* src/modules/rlm_sqlcounter/rlm_sqlcounter.c

Commit diff:
Auto-load dictionary.vqp and dictionary.dhcp


Alan T. DeKok at 2014-01-23T02:01:44Z
Files modified:
	* share/dictionary
	* src/main/modcall.c
	* src/main/modules.c

Commit diff:
This commit summary was generated @2014-01-24T00:00:02Z by lgfeed version 0.00 (

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