Info: WARNING: Child is hung for request XXXX in component <core> module (2.2.5)

Phil Mayers p.mayers at
Tue Oct 21 12:43:30 CEST 2014

On 21/10/14 08:55, Jonathan wrote:
> Hi we regulary get these messages since we upgraded from 2.2.3 to 2.2.5
> I have attached the GDB log as i'm no developper expert to find out
> what's going on...

Not useful unfortunately. That backtrace just shows the server in an 
idle/steady state, waiting for a packet.

It is most likely a slow LDAP, SQL or other DB blocking the server, 
though it's odd that it reports being hung in <core>

You are probably better off asking on the -users list.


Alan/Arran - seems a number of people reported an increase in these 
upgrading to later 2.2.x - was the logging made more verbose?

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