Commit report for master branch

The git bot announce at
Mon Sep 29 00:00:02 CEST 2014

New activity for FreeRADIUS (the high performance and highly configurable RADIUS server)

Rename map->src to map->rhs and map->dst to map->lhs so they make sense for conditions

Arran Cudbard-Bell at 2014-09-28T02:12:40Z
Files modified:
	* src/include/map.h
	* src/main/evaluate.c
	* src/main/map.c
	* src/main/modcall.c
	* src/main/parser.c
	* src/modules/rlm_cache/rlm_cache.c
	* src/modules/rlm_ldap/attrmap.c

Commit diff:

Arran Cudbard-Bell at 2014-09-28T01:01:08Z
Files modified:
	* src/lib/dict.c

Commit diff:
Echo failing unittest command

Arran Cudbard-Bell at 2014-09-28T00:59:45Z
Files modified:
	* src/tests/unit/

Commit diff:
Use memory within value_pair_tmpl_t structs to hold unknown dictionary attributes

This means tmpl_from_attr_str works correctly with both talloced and stack allocated VPT structs

Arran Cudbard-Bell at 2014-09-28T00:59:41Z
Files modified:
	* src/include/libradius.h
	* src/include/tmpl.h
	* src/lib/dict.c
	* src/lib/radius.c
	* src/lib/valuepair.c
	* src/main/map.c
	* src/main/tmpl.c
	* src/modules/proto_dhcp/dhcp.c
	* src/modules/proto_vmps/vqp.c
	* src/modules/rlm_eap/types/rlm_eap_ttls/ttls.c

Commit diff:
This commit summary was generated @2014-09-29T00:00:02Z by lgfeed version 0.00 (

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