Two connection pools in one module.

Ленченко Илья Анатольевич ilya.lenchenko at
Wed Jul 6 17:21:00 CEST 2016

I am writing module for freeradius 3.0.11. Module needs to work with mysql and rabbitMQ both. So i tried to declare two variables of type fr_connection_pool_t in one instance struct:

typedef struct rlm_smt_t {
    const char *mysqlHost;
    const char *mysqlPort;
    const char *mysqlUser;
    const char *mysqlPassword;
    const char *mysqlSchema;
    const char *mysqlTable;
    const char *mysqlRequestPartner;
    const char *mysqlRequestSession;
    const char *mysqlRequestSessionTimeout;
    char const *journalName;
    const char *rmqHost;
    const char *rmqUser;
    const char *rmqPassword;
    uint32_t rmqPort;
    const char *rmqVhost;
    uint32_t  rmqTimeout;
    uint32_t rmqChannel;
    uint32_t rmqChannelMax;
    uint32_t rmqFrameMax;
    uint32_t rmqHeartbeat;
  int   auth_type;
  fr_connection_pool_t  *poolMYSQL;
  fr_connection_pool_t  *poolRabbitMQ;
} rlm_smt_t;

static int mod_instantiate(CONF_SECTION *conf, void *instance)
  rlm_smt_t *inst = instance;
  inst->poolMYSQL = fr_connection_pool_module_init(conf, inst, mod_conn_create_mysql, NULL, NULL);
  if (!inst->poolMYSQL) {
    return -1;
 inst->poolRabbitMQ = fr_connection_pool_module_init(conf, inst, mod_conn_create_rmq, NULL, NULL);
 if (!inst->poolRabbitMQ) {
   return -1;
  return 0;

static int mod_detach(void *instance)
  rlm_smt_t *inst = instance;
  return 0;

It seems to me that module ignores line inst->poolRabbitMQ = fr_connection_pool_module_init(conf, inst, mod_conn_create_rmq, NULL, NULL);
And then i get segmentation fault in mod_detach.

Is it possible to keep two connection pools in one module? How can i achieve that?
Also module reads only one pool from config file, but i need to read two pools.


Ilya Lenchenko

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