zone migration using nomadix with free radius

Amardeep Singh aman.xsaintz at
Tue May 3 14:08:15 CEST 2016


I am trying to implement zone migration on nomadix. I have made the desired
configuration settings on the nomadix. However when I switch between the
SSIDs it does not redirect me to the AAA page. Although I get authenticated
on nomadix but the redirection is not working.

I have added the authentication qyery on free radius as

if ("%{Called-Station-Id}" =~ /^00-50-E8-/) {
update request {
Tmp-String-0 = "%{sql: SELECT radius_group_name from raduserzone where \
site_id='%{NAS-Identifier}' and \
mac_address='%{Calling-Station-Id}' and \
if (&Tmp-String-0 != "") {
update request {
   Tmp-String-1 := "%{sql: update radusergroup set \
   groupname='%{Tmp-String-0}' \
   where username='%{Calling-Station-Id}'}";
else {

raduserzone is  a custom table :-
mysql> select * from raduserzone ;
| id | site_id | mac_address       | vlan_id | radius_group_name |
Any ideas/suggestions?


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