Current status of freeradius v4

Jan-Frederik Rieckers rieckers+freeradius-devel at
Wed Jul 24 20:11:55 CEST 2019

On 24.07.19 19:26, Alan DeKok wrote:
>   If you're running that code, you don't need to manually set the reply packet type.  It should just work.

I've tried these "fixes":

* Leave everything as it is
* Remove the update{} section
* Add the "ok" after the update{}

All of these fixes don't work.

When I run eapol_test, it tells me for the reply
Invalid Message-Authenticator!
Incoming RADIUS packet did not have correct Message-Authenticator - dropped

So it seems to be a problem with message authenticator also?

If it would help, I could try to create a set of docker containers to
replicate my test setup.

Currently this (shoud be|is) the trace of the Radius-Packets:

| Test Machine with eapol_test |
    | RADIUS
| Selfcompiled Freeradius      |
    | RADIUS
| Radsecproxy on production server |
    | RADIUS over TLS
| Radsecproxy on my server       |
|   | RADIUS                     |
|   V                            |
| Freeradius 3.0.17 on my server |

So there are a lot of places where it could break, I'll try out for
myself which setups work and which don't.

Jan-Frederik Rieckers

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