[master] questions about recent changes in xlat

Chaigneau, Nicolas nicolas.chaigneau at capgemini.com
Sun Oct 25 00:00:07 CEST 2020

> >  Yes.  We've updated the parser to be smarter.  It no longer need %%.  Which was always ugly.
> The new escape sequence is \% which is far more intuitive.

Thanks, but... I can't figure out how to handle escaping of a "%" right now. :/
I've tried the following:

This returns an error: "Missing closing brace".

Xlat outputs: "\20201024".

So... I'm confused right now. What am I doing wrong ?

> >> Do you think we could get this to work again without the colon ?
> No.
> >  Possibly.  We're trying to regularize all of the parsing, expansions, etc.  Which means that some changes creep in.
> > 
> >  The main issue with not using the ":" is that the syntax becomes ambiguous.  Is %{foo} an attribute reference, or an xlat function?  You can't tell.
> Exactly.  The old xlat code didn't support multi-pass resolution of attributes or functions because it was impossible to tell what was an attribute and what was a function.
> That's why ':' is no longer allowed as a list specifier for attribute references in xlats.

Thanks for the explanation. I'll adapt my functions then. :)

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