rewriting the User-Name attr

Zoltan A. Ori z.ori at
Sat Aug 6 00:54:11 CEST 2005

> My problem is now that I want to change the User-Name attr for students
> only, to name.surname at students before proxying it to the other radius
> server.

>         attr_rewrite studenti {
>                 attribute = User-Name
>                 # may be "packet", "reply", "proxy", "proxy_reply" or
> "config"
>                 searchin = proxy
>                 searchfor = "\(*\\.*\)"
>                 replacewith = "$1 at students"
>                 ignore_case = no
>                 new_attribute = no
>                 max_matches = 10
>                 append = no
>         }
> Can you address me in the right direction?

Read doc/variables.txt.  

Use %{0} instead of $1 if the students enter their username as name.surname


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