Freeradius - LDAP Authenication
Simon Barnes
simon.barnes at
Mon Aug 8 16:32:21 CEST 2005
>Well, having just looked at your config again, I'm wondering if it isn't
>this filter:
> ldap: filter = "(&(objectClass=aRadiusAccount)(uid=%u))"
>is that 'a' supposed to be there?
>Also, have you custom defined the LDAP schmea for this objectclass? If
>not, I don't believe the 'aRadiusAccount' is valid, at least not in the
>standard OpenLDAP w/FreeRadius extensions schema that I have.
>What if you start by removing that part of the filter and just searching
>for the uid?
Hi Kris,
I have tried changing the LDAP filter by removing the "a" and also tried a
plain filter just for uid, still getting the same error.
In addition I also tried a different ldap account which tests successfully
using LDAP search.
I am now at a loss, if anyone has a working config that they wouldn't mind
sharing that would be much appreciated.
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