XP won't authenticate with EAP TLS - log shows unknown_ca fatal error
Kris Benson
kbenson at sd57.bc.ca
Mon Aug 8 17:18:04 CEST 2005
>I think the problem was that the certs I generated for CA and server
>weren't in the ssl/certs directory though they were in the raddb/
>certs directory. Other than that, I don't think I did anything
>different between attempts at CA and cert creation when I finally got
>it working. Definitely didn't change my radiusd.conf, clients.conf
>or eap.conf files between attempts, so it was definitely cert related.
>I need to experiment a little more to see where I went wrong the
>first couple attempts, but all the conf files were correct as I
>didn't change them between attempts.
Did you do anything differently with your 'random' file and your 'dh' file?
Creating those properly (as opposed to the idiotic directions of "date >
dh; date > random") seemed to solve my dilemma when I was getting a
similar issue to what you were getting.
Kris Benson, CCP, I.S.P.
Technical Analyst, District Projects
School District #57 (Prince George)
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