freeradius 1.0.4 and Cisco WLSE

M.McNeil mmcneil at
Fri Aug 19 19:42:16 CEST 2005


I am having an issue getting Cisco's WLSE 2.11 to successfully 
authenticate with FreeRadius 1.0.4.  I read where Alan DeKok stated that 
the "supplicant" is broken, and was wondering if this is something Cisco 
has to fix with the WLSE? or is there a way for me to fix the 
supplicant?  Finally, I read where there were some freeradius patches 
that would remedy this problem.  Can someone provide me with a copy of 
those patches ?  The ones posted on this site have errors in them and 
the LEAP patch fails consistently at line 147 of  
rlm_eap/types/rlm_leap/rlm_eap_leap.c  Any help would be greatly 

Best Regards,

Mike McNeil
Sr. Network Engineer
University of California Berkeley

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