matching accounting packets in the acct_users file

Tariq Rashid tariq.rashid at
Wed Aug 24 13:35:46 CEST 2005

i would like to filter off interim accoutning packets from specific domains
to a different proxy target - as follows...

	# interim/status/alive accounting records are actually sent to the
processing domain
	DEFAULT User-Name =~ "@.*\.abc\.co\.uk$", Acct-Status-Type == Alive,
Proxy-To-Realm := "filterradius"

	# following is used to map subdomains of *
	# to be proxied according to the realm
	DEFAULT User-Name =~ "@.*\.abc\.co\.uk$", Proxy-To-Realm :=

however, the first rule is never matched when i send packets with the
following attributes:

        Acct-Status-Type = Alive,
        User-Name = "test at"

do i have the syntax wrong?


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