how to run sql query on radius startup

Alan DeKok aland at
Tue Aug 30 21:49:11 CEST 2005

Sergey Pariev <spariev at> wrote:
> So I'd like to clarify if such a query hook exists at all, and if not, 
> how it can be done.

  No query hook.  As for how it could be done, edit

> Also I would appreciate any freeradius-related suggestions or best 
> practices for dealing with things like stale sessions, handling improper 
> shutdown etc 

  stale sessions can be handled via radzap.

  I'm not sure what you mean bu "improper shutdown".  You should be
able to kill the RADIUS server at any time & restart it.  The only
effect will be a few seconds where people can't log in.

  Alan DeKok.

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