how to run sql query on radius startup

Sergey Pariev spariev at
Tue Aug 30 23:39:00 CEST 2005

Alan DeKok пишет:
> Sergey Pariev <spariev at> wrote:
>>I probably haven't phrased my question clear enough. I wanted to ask 
>>about preferred strategies of dealing with data consistency at the 
>>db-level of the radius-based setup
>   What DB consistency problems are you worried about?  I can't think
> of any.
>>is it better to run some procedure on the startup, as I'm going to
>>do, or one can just setup some periodical checks, or to use radzap
>>as you're suggested, or may be there are some other
>>methods/strategies experienced guys use I'm not aware of ?
>   If you mean "having the DB hold exactly which users are logged in"
> correctly,

Yes, that's what I mean.
Thanks again and sorry for unclear explanations - nothing is perfect and 
so is my English :).

Thanks, Sergey.

  give up now.  It's impossible.  That's why the server
> includes "checkrad".
>   Alan DeKok.
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