(no subject)

Bohannan, Chad W Chad_Bohannan at reyrey.com
Thu Dec 8 20:24:58 CET 2005

I am still attempting to authenticate PAP from FR to LDAP/AD. I continue
to receive an error regardless of my radiusd.conf configuration.  Below
is the relevant snip from my radius.conf as well as the error message I
am receiving. It looks to me like LDAP is not able to complete the
initial bind (not even getting to the user search). Thanks in advance
for the assistance.



## radiusd.conf ##

ldap {

                server =

                identity = "cn=testadmin,ou=NetOps,dc=testdom,dc=com"

                password = "testing999"

                basedn = "cn=NetOps,dc=testdom,dc=com"

                filter = "(uid=%{Stripped-User-Name:-%{User-Name}})"




rwsradius01# radtest mymayo password localhost:7794 10 testing123

Sending Access-Request of id 112 to

        User-Name = "mayojf"

        User-Password = "password"

        NAS-IP-Address = rwsradius01

        NAS-Port = 10

Re-sending Access-Request of id 112 to

        User-Name = "mayojf"

        User-Password = "s\207\341\251\027\317*\342\020\230\343-mf\323"

        NAS-IP-Address = rwsradius01

        NAS-Port = 10

Re-sending Access-Request of id 112 to

        User-Name = "mayojf"

        User-Password = "s\207\341\251\027\317*\342\020\230\343-mf\323"

        NAS-IP-Address = rwsradius01

        NAS-Port = 10


##radius log output/error##

Thu Dec  8 13:08:05 2005 : Error: rlm_ldap: LDAP login failed: check
identity, password settings in ldap section of radiusd.conf

Thu Dec  8 13:08:05 2005 : Error: rlm_ldap: (re)connection attempt







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