How many Request handle by Free Radius at same time form same client.

Peter Nixon listuser at
Mon Dec 12 23:25:23 CET 2005

On Thu 08 Dec 2005 06:59, Manojkumar Patel wrote:
> Hi All
> I have one question?
> How many Request handle by Free Radius at same time form same client.
> I have one Free Radius Server, One client and one other server.Client
> send request to radius server  and then radius server will send it to
> other server and wait for replay for that request. After getting reply
> form other server radius will do some process and send replay to client.
> I want to implement a Radius system  such as my radius server will be
> able to handle 5000 request form client as same time.
> Mean radius is able to listen 5000 request form client and then send all
> request to other server and wait. After Getting replay from other server
> , radius will send replay to client.
> How can I implement such requirements .

If I understand correctly what you want to do than a decent dual CPU machine 
should handle this load as long as you dont use a slow database backend.


Peter Nixon
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