UltaMonkey 3 and FreeRadius

Hugues Lepesant hlepesant at veepee.com
Mon Dec 19 08:55:58 CET 2005

I all,

I want to build a high availability radius plateform based on OpenSource 

To do so I've patched /usr/sbin/ldirectod with Matteo Bertato && Horms' 
patch found here


It works fine, I make the load balancing for both auth [1812] and 
accounting [1813].

But I've a strange behavior when freeradius started as daemon, server
are nerver enabled for auth by ipvsadm. I must start freeradius in debug 
mode (-X) on the radius server to be enabled by the load-balancers. Even 
if I can make some successfull radtest from the load-balancers, and the 
log of ldirectord seems to be ok.

I'm not sure it's UlraMonkey fault, I have tested with the last 
freeradius version and it the same :(

Does any one have anye idea for where it can come from ?

Best regards,

Distrib Debian sarge
Freeradius 1.0.2-4 and 1.0.5 from source
ultramonkey  3-1um.1
ipvsadm 1.24+1.21-1

Hugues Lepesant
Ingénieur Exploitation VeePee
Tel : +33 1 73 02 68 02
119 rue de Paris
92772 Boulogne Cedex

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