radiusprofile entry don't work

Felice Pizzurro felice.pizzurro at email.it
Fri Jul 1 16:52:23 CEST 2005

Dusty Doris ha scritto:

>On Thu, 30 Jun 2005, Felice Pizzurro wrote:
>>Dusty Doris ha scritto:
>>>>I have tryed both solution but don't work!!! :'(
>>>>this is the output:
>>>>#ldapadd -x -D "cn=Manager,dc=unime,dc=it" -W -f example.ldif
>>>>Enter LDAP Password:
>>>>adding new entry "ou=radius, dc=unime,dc=it"
>>>>adding new entry "ou=profiles, ou=radius,dc=unime,dc=it"
>>>>adding new entry "ou=users, ou=radius,dc=unime,dc=it"
>>>>adding new entry "cn=WLAN, ou=profiles,ou=radius,dc=unime,dc=it"
>>>>ldap_add: Invalid syntax (21)
>>>>       additional info: objectclass: value #0 invalid per syntax
>>>Did you include the RADIUS-LDAPv3.schema into slapd.conf?  You need to
>>>tell openldap about the objectclass radiusprofile.
>>>in slapd.conf
>>>include                /yourpathto/openldap/schema/RADIUS-LDAPv3.schema
>>yes, of course...
>>I have copied the RADIUS-LDAPv3.schema from the doc/ directory to my
>>directory /usr/local/etc/openldap/schema, and I import it in the slapd.conf.
>>this is my ldif file:
>>dn: ou=radius, dc=unime,dc=it
>>objectclass: organizationalunit
>>ou: radius
>>dn: ou=profiles, ou=radius,dc=unime,dc=it
>>objectclass: organizationalunit
>>ou: profiles
>>dn: ou=users, ou=radius,dc=unime,dc=it
>>objectclass: organizationalunit
>>ou: users
>>dn: cn=WLAN, ou=profiles,ou=radius,dc=unime,dc=it
>>objectClass: radiusProfile
>>cn: WLAN
>>radiusServiceType: Framed-User
>>radiusFramedProtocol: PPP
>>radiusFramedRouting: None
>>dn: cn=Felice, ou=users,ou=radius,dc=unime,dc=it
>>objectclass: radiusProfile
>>cn: Felice
>>radiusGroupName: WLAN
>It looks like it should work to me.  Can you reply and attach that schema
>file to the email?  That way I can take a look at it.  Also, be sure to
>include the full ldif you are importing.  If you left anything out (such
>as userPassword or any other attributes, be sure to include that).
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I have find another RADIUS-LDAP.schema on internet, and now work 
In attached this schema if anyone need it...

You think that a structure with authentication by EAP/TLS and 
authorization by LDAP will work?
For this I have deleted the attrybute password, because the 
authentication is made via TLS.
I'm trying.... if this solution work I create a little HOWTO

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