problems authenticating

jck-freeradius at jck-freeradius at
Tue Jul 12 00:25:52 CEST 2005

On Mon, Jul 11, 2005 at 03:40:32PM -0600, Vladimir Vuksan wrote:
> I believe this is incorrect. You may want to split off the two password 
> hashes and put them in separate variables ie. LM-Password and 
> NT-Password. User-Password usually refers to either a crypted or 
> cleartext password.

I think you are correct!  I have tried splitting the password into two
seperate parts:

mysql> select * from radcheck where UserName ="testacct";
| id   | UserName | Attribute   | op | Value                            |
|  697 | testacct | NT-Password | == | 8503P0UI042LADKP3M13B449051404EE |
| 2513 | testacct | LM-Password | == | BEO04PD4LA909194D58181AFS44KE005 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

I receive logs similar to what is received when logging in with a
"bad password", as before.  I have even swapped two values with each other
(NT for LM).  MS-CHAP failed.


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