accounting to db - duplicate entrys & missing stop time?

Roger Kristiansen roger.kristiansen at
Thu Jul 14 10:43:27 CEST 2005


First of all, I'm not very familiar with freeradius, so bear with me. If 
more specific information is needed, please ask.

We have set up freeradius to do accounting to a postgresql database, and 
I was expecting to see one record pr. session, and mostly we do. But 
there are also a lot of records that:

1) Do not have a stop time
2) Doesn't even have an Acct-Session-Time
3) Are duplicates

I have attached a textfile containing a couple of examples.

I am guessing that in case nr. 1 an explicit "Stop" message has not been 
received, but when it comes to the two others, I have no clue. Is there 
anything that can be done to avoid the duplicates? Can I get freeradius 
to log every "Alive" message to the database, so that I at least know 
when the last "Alive" was received?

As I am trying to write an application to more easily extract useful 
information from the data in the database, I need to know when the 
session started and when it ended. Having duplicates and missing stop 
times makes this a bit difficult. If someone could take the time to 
explain why the stuff I mention here occur, or have tips on other ways 
to extract the time the session ends, I'd really appreciate it.

Roger Kristiansen
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