
Andrey andrey at
Wed Jul 27 21:07:00 CEST 2005

I have a problem with Freeradius returning Colubris-AVPairs. I have a CN3300
(Colubris AP) set up to authenticate from my radius server (FR), which in turn
passes it information such as login pages, access lists, etc. All these
attributes are defined in my "radgroupreply" table (3 in all), which look
something as follows:

 151 colubris_group Colubris-AVPair := access-list=loginserver, ACCEPT, tcp,
x.x.x.138, ALL
 152 colubris_group Colubris-AVPair := use-access-list=loginserver
 153 colubris_group Colubris-AVPair :=

When I attempt to authenticate the AP, the Access-Accept response has only the
first Colubris-AVPair, whichever it might be (i've tried different orders).
Is there any reason for this kind of behaviour? Do attributes have to have
unique names? (since all three are called Colubris-AVPair).

Thanks for any help.


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