NAS info + MySQL

Avis Ng avisng at
Tue Jun 7 03:44:54 CEST 2005

 > > > Is there a way to make radius automatically read new entries added
> > > to the nas table ?
> >
> > Source code modifications.
> Can this be added to the todo list?
 Since configuration changes aren't usually real-time, perhaps a normal cron 
job sending SIGHUP will suffice?
FAQ 5.9 shows the command, and put those commands into a cron job.
That way, you do not need sudo privileges.
 As a small optimization, the web GUI can also create a file to indicate 
that the config has changed.
The cron job instead of sending SIGHUP so very often can then check for this 
When that file is present, delete the file and then send the SIGHUP. (order 
important to avoid race condition).
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