Authenticate/Attributes based on NAS-IP-Address

N White nwtech at
Wed Jun 8 00:10:38 CEST 2005

Alan DeKok wrote:

>N White <nwtech at> wrote:
>>Using MySQL as a backend, is there any way to configure Authentication 
>>and Attribute (replies), based on the NAS-IP-Address sent to the 
>>FreeRADIUS server?
>  Yes. Use it as a check item, like anything else.
>  Alan DeKok.
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Ok,  so is it possible for them to be a part of two groups? The reason I 
ask is that if a customer logs in through NAS1, I want them to be 
assigned a dynamic IP, if they are logged in from NAS2, I want them to 
be assigned a static IP. Is this possible? I guess two groups may not 
even play a role in a statically assigned IP.


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