restricting access for users

Martial VdB mdbnoc at
Mon Jun 13 14:06:13 CEST 2005

Hi Alan,

thank you for replying,

this is how I tried this before, I will try to keep this as short as 

bob       Password == "bob", Huntgroup-name == "diegem"
          Login-Service = 0,
          Vendor-Specific = 9,
          Reply-Message = "Hello, bob",
          Cisco-AVpair = "shell:priv-lvl=15",
          Service-Type = NAS-Prompt-User,


diegem             NAS-IP-Address == 10.5.x.x
diegem             NAS-IP-Address == 10.5.x.x
diegem             NAS-IP-Address == 10.5.x.x
brussels            NAS-IP-Address == 10.2.x.x

I hoped that the nas ip addresses belonging to diegem where only accessable 
for users who had Huntgroup-name == "diegem" in their config.  But this did 
not seem to make a difference.

DEFAULT   Auth-Type = System
          Login-Service = 0,
          Vendor-Specific = 9,
          Service-Type = NAS-Prompt-User,
          Cisco-AVpair = "shell:priv-lvl=15",


diegem             NAS-IP-Address == 10.5.x.x
diegem             NAS-IP-Address == 10.5.x.x
diegem             NAS-IP-Address == 10.5.x.x
                       Group == NOC,
brussels            NAS-IP-Address == 10.2.x.x

I made bob and bobke local users on my machine and added them to # groups. 
bob to NOC and bobke to brussels.

If the user was not a member of group NOC he would be refused on the NAS 
servers belonging to huntgroup diegem.Because diegem is linked to group NOC 
(Group == NOC). This did not work either.

In both cases every user was allowed access as soon as the username and 
passwords checked out. I also had problems with nas ip addresses belonging 
to more that 1 group. It looked like the groups are processed from top to 
bottom and as soon as it hits the first entry of that address freeradius 
allowes access.
But for my problem to be solved it should cache information like Group = NOC 
or for example user_pool = diegem. And compare this information agains an 
entry in
the users file like: user_pool=diegem or checking if on the system bob's 
primary group is NOC.

I did several more combinations but I think one of these 2 should work. 
Perhaps I made a configuration error ?

Big thank you in advance ony for reading and getting into this problem. If I 
was not clear enough please let me know.


>Yes this is my experience as well. Running v 1.0.2 there was nothing in the 
>change log for 1.0.3 >to say this was fixed either.
>Just as a note when I posted these findings nothing came back.

>I was using an ldap backend as well. It would be great to have a detailed 
>explaination of this one >and maybe confirmation that it is not working or 
>wheather is it syntax that causes the problem


>>From: "Martial VdB" <mdbnoc at>
>>Reply-To: FreeRadius users mailing list 
>><freeradius-users at>
>>To: freeradius-users at
>>Subject: restricting access for users
>>Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2005 09:22:14 +0200
>>Hi there,
>>I’m a newby here so forgive if I ask obvious questions.
>>I’m trying to setup, wel actually I did setup FreeRADIUS Version 1.0.2 on 
>>a Linux Debian machine and it is working fine :)
>>But I need to achieve the following setup:
>>We have # cisco routers and switches who are locally managed by on site 
>>engineers. So these local engineers have to be able to log in to their 
>>devices and not be allowed to log in to devices on other sites. Next to 
>>these different site engineers there is a group called NOC. The NOC 
>>engineers need to access all devices on all sites.
>>I’ve tried several setups by using the huntgroups and using system as 
>>authentication method but I can't get the huntgroup validation to work. It 
>>looks like the huntgroups are just ignored. Everyone can just enter any 
>>device as soon as their usrname and password is matched on the system.
>>Did someone do a similar setup where users where restricted and with a 
>>general group that needs access everywhere or can someone tell me how I 
>>should take this on. It should be fairly easy I thought…
>>Thanks for your help, it is highly appreciated,
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