corrupt UDP packets sent to proxy

Alan DeKok aland at
Fri Jun 17 19:20:06 CEST 2005

"Taylor, Graham" <GrahamTaylor at> wrote:
> Hi People, I hope you can shed some light on a problem I am having with
> freeradius acting as a proxy. As you can see the packet below has a
> corrupt UDP header

  The kernel creates the UDP header, including checksum.  If it's
wrong, there's little FreeRADIUS can do.

> If I use radtest then the packet is fine and I get authenticated, the
> problem only occurs when the request is proxied out, all of the packets
> forwarded to the secondary radius server have the UDP checksum error,

  I've never seen that, and I'm not sure why it would happen.

  Alan DeKok.

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