Win2k and Freeradius, newbe plz help

Michael Langer mphantom at
Wed Jun 29 14:45:04 CEST 2005


i try to configure freeradius and win2k(SP2) client for PEAP. But the client
doesnt connect to server or send any packages :(

I have create the certificates (root,client,server) and install root.der and
client.d12 on the windows machine. Further i do:

Select the Authentication tab
Select Protected EAP on the drop-down list
Click Properties
Enable "Validate server certificate"
In Trusted Root Certification Authorities list, enable the root.der
In Select Authentication Method, select "Secured password (EAP-MSCHAPv2)"

freeradius (1.0.4):

Change the default_eap_type from tls to peap:

eap {	default_eap_type = peap

Move to the PEAP section below the TLS section and uncomment the following

peap {
	default_eap_type = mschapv2

After i start radiusd -X all go fine, and i get: waiting for ...

This should work, doesnt it?

mfg Michael

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