radiusprofile entry don't work

Felice Pizzurro felice.pizzurro at email.it
Wed Jun 29 19:15:12 CEST 2005

Dusty Doris ha scritto:

>>hi all,
>>excuse me for my bad english, I'm italian.
>>i would to create a structure wich control the user's access on a WLAN
>>by an auth-ldap.
>>I have create a ldap directory witch basedn dc=unime,dc=it.
>>now, like is write on the ldap_tutorial in the doc/ directory, i try to
>>import this ldif file (modified for my interst). the authentication to
>>be with the EAP-TLS protocol (it work fine) therefore I've deleted the
>>sections of the passwords and for authentication.
>>dn: dc=unime,dc=it
>>objectClass: dcObject
>>objectClass: organizationUnit
>>ou: Unime.it Radius
>>dc: unime
>>dn: ou=radius,dc=unime,dc=it
>>objectclass: organizationalunit
>>ou: radius
>>dn: ou=profiles,ou=radius,dc=unime,dc=it
>>objectclass: organizationalunit
>>ou: profiles
>>dn: ou=users,ou=radius,dc=unime,dc=it
>>objectclass: organizationalunit
>>ou: users
>>dn: uid=WLAN,ou=profiles,ou=radius,dc=unime,dc=it
>>objectclass: radiusprofile
>>uid: WLAN
>>radiusServiceType: Framed-User
>>radiusFramedProtocol: PPP
>>radiusFramedRouting: None
>>dn: uid=Felice,ou=users,ou=radius,dc=mydomain,dc=com
>>objectclass: radiusProfile
>>uid: Felice
>>radiusGroupName: WLAN
>>the entry with uid  =WLAN don't work, this is the message returned is
>>invalid syntax #0 approximately... I don't have my pc here.
>>Anyone can help me?
>Check the RADIUS-LDAPv3.schema file that you used.  That howto doc was
>using an old one that used uid, the new one uses cn.  Go down to the
>objectclass of radiusprofile and look what it says in MUST.  If it says
>cn, then you will need to use cn or change that to uid.
>dn: cn=WLAN,ou=profiles,ou=radius,dc=unime,dc=it
>objectclass: radiusprofile
>cn: WLAN
>radiusServiceType: ....
>OR change that file.
>   (
>      NAME 'radiusprofile'
>      SUP top AUXILIARY
>      DESC ''
>      MUST cn
>   (
>      NAME 'radiusprofile'
>      SUP top AUXILIARY
>      DESC ''
>      MUST uid
>I'd recommend just using cn, so you don't have to remember to modify it
>everytime you install freeradius on a machine.
>-Dusty Doris
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I have tryed both solution but don't work!!! :'(
this is the output:

#ldapadd -x -D "cn=Manager,dc=unime,dc=it" -W -f example.ldif
Enter LDAP Password:
adding new entry "ou=radius, dc=unime,dc=it"

adding new entry "ou=profiles, ou=radius,dc=unime,dc=it"

adding new entry "ou=users, ou=radius,dc=unime,dc=it"

adding new entry "cn=WLAN, ou=profiles,ou=radius,dc=unime,dc=it"
ldap_add: Invalid syntax (21)
        additional info: objectclass: value #0 invalid per syntax

I have forgotten:
I have deleted the first entry:

dn: dc=unime,dc=it
objectClass: dcObject
objectClass: organizationUnit
ou: Unime.it Radius
dc: unime

because don't work absolutely. 

wtithout this entry the entryes for ou=radius ou=profiles ou=users 
works, and I have the error output above.
With this entry I have a error on the first entry .

Anyone can help me??

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