Cisco AP Vlan assignment when proxying EAP-PEAP?

Josh Howlett josh.howlett at
Tue Nov 8 17:30:11 CET 2005

Hi Jezz,

Palmer J.D.F. wrote:
> Hi,
> Can anyone tell me if it's possible to proxy EAP-PEAP from a Cisco Aironet
> to an IAS server via FreeRADIUS (I can do this bit), then, set the user's
> VLAN information within FreeRADIUS in the access-accept packet returned to
> the AP?

Yes - write a script that outputs the relevant attributes to stdout, and 
specify it in an "exec" clause in radiusd.conf, making sure you set 
packet_type = access-accept. Invoke the exec clause by placing it in 
post-proxy section. For example (assuming you've got the proxying working):


  VLAN = "123"

  # We can also grab the RADIUS username attribute from the environment.
  # This might be useful if you wanted to drop users
  # into different VLANs.
  # if ( $USER == "bujfxh at ); then
  #  VLAN = "666"
  # fi

  echo "Tunnel-Medium-Type = 802"
  echo "Tunnel-Type = VLAN"
  echo "Tunnel-Private-Group-ID = $VLAN"

  exit 0


  exec assign-vlan {
	program = "/path/to/"
	input_pairs = proxy-reply
	output_pairs = proxy-reply
	wait = yes
	packet_type = Access-Accept

  authorize {
	# Make sure you put this AFTER the clause that invokes proxying

> Also, is there a way to return an access-accept with a 'dirty' VLAN ID, even
> if the IAS server rejects the user?  The idea being that the user would be
> put into a dead end VLAN so they could get info on how to register to use
> the service.

No; only a couple of attributes are permitted in Access-Reject packets.

I don't think it would be possible to "catch" Access-Rejects from IAS 
and cunningly turn them into Access-Accepts, either :-/ (well, it would 
be possible, but you'd need to hack FR to do this).


> Many thanks,
> Jezz Palmer.
> ****************************************
> Jezz Palmer.
> Internet Systems Officer.
> Library and Information Services
> University of Wales, Swansea
> Singleton Park
> Swansea
> SA2 8PP
> ****************************************
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