dialup_admin online users problems

Eric Tanguy eric.tanguy at gicm.fr
Wed Nov 9 09:44:47 CET 2005

i use freeradius-1.0.1 with mysql on Fermi Linux LTS Release 3.0.1 and 

I have a problem in showing the online user in dialup_admin.
when a user over ppp connect on NAS, it doesn't appear in user online 
because nothing is writing into the radacct table and i don't know why.
it 's different when an administrator connect into the NAS iver telnet 
or ssh, this session is writing into the radacct table.

can anyone help me.

mailto : eric.tanguy at gicm.fr
G.I.C.M. Infrastructure & réseau
32 Rue Mirabeau, 29480 Le Relecq-Kerhuon
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