FreeBSD anyone?

Matthew Horoschun matthew at
Thu Nov 10 06:54:18 CET 2005

Hi Dusty,

> We have three main radius servers.  We setup each of the radius servers 
> to log all accounting to a detail file and we then use radrelay to push 
> the data to our sql servers.  This makes the accounting part of our AAA 
> much quicker between the NAS and the radius server.  The radius server 
> just has to log it to a file and move on, so the accounting response 
> comes very quickly.  This is especially apparent during high loads as we 
> don't need to wait for an sql resource to come available.

Thanks for the advice.

I've found that the performance problem goes away when I test with 
interim accounting records instead of start records.

I haven't figured out why start records generate such a performance hit. 
Any ideas?

We're currently looking at radrelay. That sounds like a good idea.


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