radiusd error AFTER ok

Drew S. Dupont dsdupont at alumni.indiana.edu
Mon Nov 14 04:57:38 CET 2005

When I run radiusd from the command line in a Fedora Core 1/RedHat 9 
base system, it will start w/o any problems. However, when I try to 
start radiusd from inside a helper app., it says it is ready to 
process requests but then throws the following error to the 
radius.log file:

Sun Nov 13 22:39:10 2005 : Info: Using deprecated naslist file. 
Support for this will go away soon.
Sun Nov 13 22:39:10 2005 : Info: rlm_exec: Wait=yes but no output 
defined. Did you mean output=none?
Sun Nov 13 22:39:10 2005 : Info: Ready to process requests.
Sun Nov 13 22:39:10 2005 : Error: Error receiving packet: Socket 
operation on non-socket
Sun Nov 13 22:39:10 2005 : Error: Error receiving packet: Socket 
operation on non-socket
Sun Nov 13 22:39:10 2005 : Error: Error receiving packet: Socket 
operation on non-socket

The helper script is as follows:
/* This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
  * Licence.  See the file COPYING for details.
  * filename: radctrl
  * Simple program intended to be installed setuid(0) that can be used for
  * controling the Captive Portal service (FreeRadius).

#include "setuid.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
         int fd = -1;

         if (!(initsetuid(1)))

         if (argc < 2) {
                 fprintf(stderr, "Missing arg\n");

         if (((fd = open("/var/smoothwall/mods/captiveportal/enable", 
O_RDONLY)) != -1) || (strcmp(argv[1], "X") == 0)) {
         } else {
                 return 0;

         // Declare used vars
         FILE *radpidfile = NULL;
         FILE *radstatusfile = NULL;
         char radstatusfilepath[STRING_SIZE];
         memset(radstatusfilepath, 0, STRING_SIZE);
         char command[STRING_SIZE];
         memset(command, 0, STRING_SIZE);
         char radpid[STRING_SIZE];
         memset(radpid, 0, STRING_SIZE);
         int radrunning = 0;

         // Open freeradius's pid file
         if ((radpidfile = fopen("/var/run/radiusd/radiusd.pid", "r"))) {
                 // Read in freeradius's pid
                 fgets(radpid, STRING_SIZE, radpidfile);

                 if (radpid[strlen(radpid) - 1] == '\n') {
                         radpid[strlen(radpid) - 1] = '\0';

                 fclose (radpidfile);
         } else {
                 // Set -1 flag
                 snprintf(radpid, STRING_SIZE - 1, "-1");

         // Null out file pointer
         radpidfile = NULL;

         // Check to see if have a valid pid
         if (strcmp(radpid, "-1")) {
                 // Get freeradius status file path
                 snprintf(radstatusfilepath, STRING_SIZE - 1, 
"/proc/%s/status", radpid);

                 // Open freeradius's status file
                 if ((radstatusfile = fopen(radstatusfilepath, "r"))) {
                         // Set status and close file
                         radrunning = 1;
                         fclose (radstatusfile);
                 } else {
                         radrunning = 0;

                 // Null out file poinnter
                 radstatusfile = NULL;
         } else {
                 radrunning = 0;

         // Check for start
         if (strcmp(argv[1], "S") == 0) {
                 if (radrunning == 0) {
                         system("/usr/local/sbin/radiusd > /dev/null");
                          system("/usr/bin/logger -t smoothwall 
'FreeRadius has been started'");
                 } else {
                         system("/usr/bin/logger -t smoothwall 
'FreeRadius is already running'");

         // Check for restart
         } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "R") == 0) {
                 if (radrunning == 1) {
                         snprintf(command, STRING_SIZE - 1, "/bin/kill 
-9 %s > /dev/null", radpid);
                         system("/usr/local/sbin/radiusd > /dev/null");
                         system("/usr/bin/logger -t smoothwall 
'FreeRadius has been restarted'");
                 } else {
                         system("/usr/bin/logger -t smoothwall 'Can 
not restart FreeRadius since it is not running'");

         // Check for stop
         } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "X") == 0) {
                 if (radrunning == 1) {
                         snprintf(command, STRING_SIZE - 1, "/bin/kill 
-1 %s > /dev/null", radpid);
                         system("/usr/bin/logger -t smoothwall 
'FreeRadius has been stopped'");
                 } else {
                         system("/usr/bin/logger -t smoothwall 'Can 
not stop FreeRadius since it is not running'");
         } else {
                 fprintf(stderr, "Bad arg\n");

         return 0;
This app used to work just fine before my recent HD and MoBo crashes 
today. I had to restore the system from a backup and the app. will no 
longer work. Like I said, radiusd from the command line starts 
FreeRadius just fine. It is only in this app. that it is now causing 
me problems.

Thank you,
Drew Dupont
   Drew S. Dupont		           dsdupont at alumni.indiana.edu
   AIM: NetWhizOne		           FWD #: 271144
   YIM: dsdupont

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