Odd problem (FreeRadius 1.0.5 / MSSQL 2000 / Fedora Core 3)

Matt mhoppes at gmail.com
Tue Nov 15 16:56:31 CET 2005

We have the exact same configuration working on another system, but
have been unable to get it to work correctly on this Fedora Core 3
system.  We are using rlm_sql to have FreeRadius talk to our MSSQL
2000 database.   That works.

The odd part is on the Fedora Core 3 system it seems to be having
issues reading the shared secret.

When I start the server in debug mode I get:

rlm_sql (sql: Read entry

Well this is all good, but the secret is not "8Y".  In fact it's more
something like cP83ufJu32

The fields are all nvarchar in the database (ip, shortname, secret)...
yet ip and shortname display correctly.

If I go into the C code for the rlm_sql module and put row[8] in place
of row[5] in the debug I get the same thing, even though row[8] has
the description of the NAS.

If I use tsql to connect to the database and do a select * from my NAS
table, all the data comes out right.  It seems like something in
freeradius is mangeling the sharedsecret.

Can anyone shed light on this?

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