Error with free radius, as5800, and ascend data types

Chris Parker cparker at
Wed Nov 23 16:53:06 CET 2005

Cisco has an option to accept the non-standard Ascend attributes ( note,
NOT the VSA's but the early Ascend attempt to use higher numbered  
attributes ).

In regards to the original poster, does the filter value work if you  
use it in
a 'users' file syntax?

Also, what version of FreeRADIUS?


On Nov 23, 2005, at 9:45 AM, Guy Davies wrote:

> Why would FreeRADIUS return Ascend VSAs to a Cisco AS5800?  I would  
> only
> expect it to return values that are either RFC attributes or Cisco  
> VSAs.
> Rgds,
> Guy

Chris Parker
Director, Engineering
StarNet A Service of US LEC

(888)212-0099   Fax (847)963-1302
Wholesale Internet Services
VoiceEclipse, The Fresh Alternative

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