MSCHAPv2, MySQL, Freeradius

Dan Russell dan at
Mon Oct 3 02:50:06 CEST 2005

>"Dan Russell" <dan at> wrote:
>> Is there a way in which I can have encrypted passwords in the mysql
>> database and use MSCHAPv2 to authenticate users?
>  If they're NT hashed, yes.  Otherwise, no.
>> If I used a third party tool like mkntpwd to create NT Hashes, could
>> put premade hashes in the database and use them to authenticate
>  Yes.

Is there any specific config change I would need to make to enable this?

>> or would rlm_mschap encrypt the password attribute anyway?
>  I have no idea what that means.

How does freeradius identify that the password has already been NT
What stops it from encrypting whatever it finds in the radcheck table
for the password?  Do I set it as User-Password or Encrypted-Password
instead of Password?

>  Alan DeKok.
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Thanks in advance,

Dan Russell

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