Freeradius and What's Up Gold Continued

Linda Pagillo linda at
Mon Oct 24 18:49:17 CEST 2005

Good morning Mr. DeKok:

I already sent this message to the list once, but i'm not sure that it got there because i was having email server issues that day. If you have already seen this and responded, i did not get your response. 

I changed my WUG timeout from 5 sec to 30 seconds as a test. The same thing was happening as usual. I would get a few good responses and then WUG would tell me that Freeradius was down. Then i changed my timeout to 60 seconds. I have not gotten a message from WUG telling me that Freeradius is down since i did that and that was several days ago.. Does that mean that my first suspision was correct about Freeradius taking up to 60 seconds to respond to a sent request at times? Also, i know that you said WUG should re-transmit the packet in a case like this, but i have WUG set to only send
one request every 20 minutes because i monitor my entire network with WUG and if i sent a request to Freeradius every few seconds, i would have to send a "request" to all of my servers every few seconds. With WUG it doesn't let you send requests to different things at different times. It's set to poll everything at once. I'm coming to the conclusion that i paid way too much for a crappy monitoring system. Thanks!

Linda Pagillo
Director of Technical Services
N2 The Net, LLC
lpagillo at
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