custom variable in config files

Nicolas Baradakis nbk at
Tue Sep 13 19:08:12 CEST 2005

Tariq Rashid wrote:

> but this doesn't ...
> 	# local test user for monitoring and diagnostics
> 	test1 at proxyradius.%{config:easynet_site} User-Password == "test1.proxyradius.%{config:easynet_site}"
> 	        Reply-Message = "hello from the proxyradius layer %{config:easynet_site}"
> any ideas? i'm using version 1.0.2 on debian 3.1

It doesn't work because the name of the entry isn't xlat'ed in
src/main/files.c. Perhaps this syntax would work:

DEFAULT User-Name = "test1 at proxyradius.%{config:easynet_site}", User-Password == "test1.proxyradius.%{config:easynet_site}"
	Reply-Message = "hello from the proxyradius layer %{config:easynet_site}"

Nicolas Baradakis

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