ntlm_auth multiple domains

Jamie Crawford crawford at cmsu1.cmsu.edu
Tue Sep 20 17:34:59 CEST 2005

I'm using ntlm_auth to authenticate users in freeradius.  My samba server is joined to DOMAINA. 

When I run ntlm_auth --username=domainauser everything works great. When I run ntlm_auth --username=domainbuser it fails because the user does not exist in domaina which the server is joined to.

If I run ntlm_auth --username=domainbuser --domain=domainb it works great.

I was wanting to do ntlm_auth --domain=domaina --domain=domainb --username=domainbuser,  it works only because the second domain variable is domainb. If I were to use a domainauser, it would fail.

Would setting up realms help?  How can I tell freeradius to use ntlm_auth --domain=domaina on domaina users and ntlm_auth --domain=domainb on domainb users?

Any ideas???


Jamie Crawford, MCSE RHCT Network Analyst I
Information Services
Central Missouri State University
Warrensburg, MO 64093

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