default ip pools

Ezequiel O. Block ezequielb at
Tue Sep 20 21:24:15 CEST 2005

Hi Folks,

I'm trying to set up default ip pools and it is not working, if i set 
"Pool-Name :=" to any of the pools defined on radiusd.conf then it does 
work, but if i set Pool-Name := DEFAULT then the server doesn't send 
Framed-Ip-Address as expected. I did some searches on this list and 
found some posts where the "default" feature were not available on 
earlier versions of FreeRadius. I'm working in freeradius-1.0.5 compiled 
from sources, does this version have this feature?

Any clue?

These lines are from radiusd.conf ...

ippool tasa1 {
                 range-start = a.b.c.30
                 range-stop  = a.b.c.40
                 netmask =
                 cache-size = 800
                 session-db = ${raddbdir}/dbtasa1.ippool
                 ip-index = ${raddbdir}/dbtasa1.ipindex
                 override = no
                 maximum-timeout = 0

ippool teco1 {
                 range-start = a.b.d.150
                 range-stop  = a.b.d.160
                 netmask =
                 cache-size = 800
                 session-db = ${raddbdir}/dbteco1.ippool
                 ip-index = ${raddbdir}/dbteco1.ipindex
                 override = no
                 maximum-timeout = 0

Thanks in advance.

Cooperativa La Lonja.

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