conflicts/duplicates need

Laker Netman laker_netman at
Wed Apr 5 19:34:48 CEST 2006

--- Duane Cox <duanec at> wrote:

> Well I believe Alan is correct, that it must be
> related to the database
> because I have 2 radius servers both sharing the
> same database, and they
> both experience this outage at the exact same time. 
> It lasts for about 45
> seconds every several hours.
> I'm using unixODBC and MSSQL database, the database
> server is running on a
> dual proc system and 2 gigs of ram.
> During some of these outages (early morning) no one
> is using the database,
> only freeradius.
> I think I am going to have to check the performance
> monitors on the MSSQL
> server to see if there are any spikes or hangs
> during this time.
> (I don't think my problem is freeradius, freeradius
> is just suffering from
> the condition)
> > But I've noticed that I get a period every few
> hours when freeradius
> > doesn't authenticate.  I'm not sure what the
> problem is, but here is the
> > log as captured in /var/log/radiusd
> >
> > Any idea what could be causing this?
> Hi Duane
> Good to see you using FreeRADIUS :-)
> Probably you have a cron script of some kind running
> a report or vacuum on
> your database and it is not responding to RADIUS.
> Are you using the database
> for something else as well?
> -- 
> Peter Nixon
> PGP Key:
> - 

Is the "outage" consistent? Is the a DB replication or
backup scheduled at the time the outage occurs?


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