How to make FR reset the logs

Mordor Networks mordor.networks at
Wed Apr 5 21:06:45 CEST 2006

Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2006 11:09:58 -0600
From: Guy Fraser <guy at>
Subject: Re: How to make FR reset the logs
To: freeradius-users at
Message-ID: <1144257000.9277.140.camel at>
Content-Type: text/plain

On Wed, 2006-05-04 at 06:15 +0300, Mordor Networks wrote:
> hi
> Is it possible to make FR remove all monthly accounting logs from the
> database "mysql"?

Yikes, why would you want to do that?

Thanks for your reply . i have pppoe-server with FR and mysql and
dialup_admin , and 600 user , so i have a lot of traffic and logs

Wouldn't it be better to move the data to monthly archive
tables, then remove the data and vacuum the table?

If there is a way to do the it would be great

This is basically what I currently use, so that when a
customer tries to dispute his charges, we can produce
detailed information very quickly. I currently maintain
3+ years of detail, users can check totals, summaries or
detailed logging for their account from the beginning of
the third year ago {IE Jan 2003} until the previous

Once I have a similar scheme in place I will be moving
to which ever current version of FreeRadius is available.
I will continue to work toward integrating similar
functionality into FreeRadius, that I developed for
Cistron, allowing dynamic {using xlat} table names. I
currently use this method in my custom version of
Cistron Radius, to generate new logging tables every
month as required. The system I developed has met our
needs for the last 5+ years, but I would prefer to
build support into an open platform {FreeRadius}, so
others can make use of the same advantages, and the
community can enhance and support the project.

Thanks for the info , thus i still have no clue...
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