freeRadius vs. AIX

Reynold McGuire rmcguire at
Thu Apr 13 13:32:20 CEST 2006

I know this has come up a few other times... But I have searched back thru
all of the archives and still have not come up with a working build of
freeRadius for AIX.

If anyone has freeRadius working under AIX, please let me know and maybe we
can trade configure scripts.

The end result of what I need are:

freeRadius to support WPA/EAP and or WPA/MSCHAP-V2

I would *love* to be able to use WPA on my wireless device to tunnel
MSCHAPV2 back to Active Directory for user authentication.

Again - If anyone has been able to get this to work, please let me know.

Thanks in advance.
- Reynold

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