Unresponsive child

Matt Dunkin mdunkin at innflux.com
Tue Aug 8 17:18:37 CEST 2006

After some recent changes to my rlm_perl perl script I am getting the
following messages all the time...

Tue Aug  8 08:08:50 2006 : Error: WARNING: Unresponsive child (id
2966633392) for request 28
Tue Aug  8 08:08:50 2006 : Error: WARNING: Unresponsive child (id
2977528752) for request 27
Tue Aug  8 08:08:50 2006 : Error: WARNING: Unresponsive child (id
2988153776) for request 25

Usually after a lot of these radius will crash and will need to be
restarted. I was receiving the sql running out of connections error but
I am not getting those anymore after tuning my tables. I don't believe
at this point that this is a mysql issue however any suggestions would
be appreciated. I do access mysql from my perl script so that could be
the problem.

Each function in the perl script opens a mysql connection then closes it
before finishing the function. Could this be the problem? Should I
create an initial connection and use it throughout the script?

Thanks Guys, I know you will know what the problem is.

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